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Med balans, tålamod och kärlek,
Josephine & Hesam
“To witness the shift of healing in a person's eyes, is one of life’s greatest gifts, that will humble you deeply before the great mystery of life.”
Since an early age, Hesam questioned the abstract sides of life - why are we here on earth? What is the meaning of life and are there other more subtle parts of life that we can’t fully perceive with our 5 senses.
Later in life these kind of questions came to bloom even more as he went through big shifts in his life, battling illnesses in the body as well as in the mental. Depression and diagnosis turned him to alternative treatments and that is when he found the sacred plant medicines. With the guidance of the plants and nature he found his purpose and meaning in life, he came to understand some inner realities and became more accepting of the great mystery of life.
He has traveled around the world and have met inspiring people and different lineages of wisdom keepers.
Hesam is a dedicated apprentice of the plants and nature and is deeply intrigued by sound and vibration and how it affects us humans on many levels and our surroundings. He’s passion for music and nature comes through his own journey of healing and understanding of self, and as he shares his hopes for other to find their own inner truth as well.

"Follow the voice of your heart."
Josephine is a former Community and PR Manager who chose to leave the corporate world to pursue her heart's desires. A dedicated yogini, Sound Healer, Reiki Master and Cacao Ceremony facilitator. Her path is to help people land in their hearts, reconnect with their true authentic self, expanding and tapping into their highest potential. This path become clear through her own healing journey.
The journey began with yoga. Ever since the first class she took several years ago, it has been a part of her daily routine. She quickly fell in love with the practice and how it made her connect deeper with her inner self. It was a way to witness what was going on inside, leaving the external world to explore the inner landscape. Truly feeling what was present inside.
Josephine is also a birth Doula. This passion came to life when Josephine herself gave birth. She had a planned home birth with her husband Hesam, her doula and two midwives. It was a sacred welcome ceremony for their daughter and herself as a mother. She felt held, supported, safe, calm and loved. After this, her heart was longing to offer this to other women. Being there, fully present, supporting and witnessing the woman being in her full power. Trying to help create and facilitate the woman and her partner's dream birth.
1.5K beach strip
Average temperature: 28 Degrees Celsius
11 rare bird species
22 steps from suite to waves
320 sunny days per year